Unable to create the tender anymore, the tender is over the deadline for tender submissions.

Contracting authority's public contract detail: Obec Ohrobec

Address : U Rybníků II čp. 30, 252 45, Ohrobec
IN: 00241491
TIN : CZ00241491
www: http://www.ohrobec.cz/
Reference number on ISVZUS : 227384
Address of previous profile :

Public contract detail

II. stupeň ZŠ v obci Ohrobec (I. kolo VŘ)
Date of publishing on profile : 12/24/2024 Internal public contract number :
Identifier: P24V00000002
Type of public contract: Stavební práce Type of procedure : Užší řízení
ID NIPEZ: CPV - [45214210-5] Výstavba základních škol
Main CPV code: 45214210-5 - Výstavba základních škol
Public contract divided into lots: No It is a framework agreement : No
It is about establishing a dynamic purchasing system : No Estimated value of public contract: 130 540 000,00 Kč
Beginning of submiting tenders period : 12/20/2024 End of submiting tenders period : 1/22/2025 8:00 AM
Date of contract conclusion framework agreement: Date of cancellation of the procurement procedure for part of the public contract:
Status : zakázka neukončena Date of public contract cancellation :
Reference number of TED (CZ): Z2024-064976 Date of contract conclusion framework agreement:


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